Baccalaureate Degrees


At Penn State Berks, 学生们拥有两全其美:一个紧密联系的校园社区和一个主要研究机构的所有机会. The college offers 21 four-year degrees, 其中大多数都有进一步专业化的学位选择.

补充你的四年制学位与我们的四个副学士学位之一, dozens of minors, 或者一个证书来定制你的教育,创造你梦想的未来——所有这些都在离家近的校园里.

你也可以在十大正规赌博平台大全的2+2学位计划中选择275多个专业中的一个, 你在哪个学校开始四年制学位课程的前两年,然后在另一个学校完成你的课程, including University Park.

Baccalaureate degrees at Penn State Berks

Accounting (B.S.)

会计学位课程帮助学生为审计和公共会计的职业生涯做好准备, industrial and managerial accounting, and in governmental and not-for-profit accounting. aacsb认证的项目提供了各种各样的会计机会, business, finance, and data analytics. Courses cover topics such as financial accounting, managerial accounting, advanced financial accounting theory, auditing, and taxation principles.

Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (B.S.)

The Biochemistry & 分子生物学学位课程将化学和物理的基本原理应用于活细胞及其组成部分的研究,从分子角度解释生物学, genetic, and cellular levels. 学生将在定量和分析生物科学方面打下坚实的基础, including molecular biology, biochemistry, enzymology, metabolism, cell biology, and molecular genetics. Degree options include:

  • Biochemistry
  • Molecular Biology

Biology (B.S.)

生物学学位旨在通过广泛的生物学课程教育学生关于生物世界的知识. 所有本专业的学生都要修生物学入门课程, ecology, 细胞与分子生物学和动植物生理学. 这个学位为学生在公园和娱乐等领域的工作做准备, laboratories, and pharmaceuticals, 并为包括医学和兽医在内的各种专业学校提供先决课程. 该学位还为学生在各种生物学科的研究生学习做准备. Degree options include:

  • General Biology
  • Genetics and Developmental Biology

Business (B.S.)

商业学位是一个以专业为导向的课程,结合了核心商业学科的理论基础, notably management, marketing, finance, and supply chain management, with applied study in a practical setting. 该课程为学生从事会计工作做准备, financial services, banking, insurance, business management, and marketing. 学生完成基础和中级核心商业课程,包括会计, economics, management information systems, marketing, business logistics, and finance. Degree options include:

  • Accounting
  • Business Analytics
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Financial Services
  • Individualized Study
  • Marketing/Management

Communication Arts and Sciences (B.A.)

通过研究人类交际及其在各种人际交往中所起的作用, organizational, public, and intercultural settings, 传播艺术与科学(CAS)学位课程的学生培养他们的口头和书面交流能力, problem-solving, critical thinking, and leadership skills.

Criminal Justice (B.A./B.S.)

Students in the criminal justice degree program learn about each of the three main components of the criminal justice system and their interrelationships; are able to evaluate critically both current and future crime control policy proposals and criminal justice research; and understand the complexity of the crime phenomenon and its relationship to individual, social, and cultural factors. This major includes study in law enforcement, 法院和惩戒单独或作为一个系统的组成部分, plus work in theories of crime causation, and crime control policy.

The B.A. in Criminal Justice 为犯罪研究提供了广泛的文科背景, justice and the criminal justice system. The B.S. in Criminal Justice 在传统上不被认为是文科的领域提供了丰富教育的机会. 这两个学位都是从事刑事司法工作的良好准备, graduate, or professional study, or informed citizenship.

Cybersecurity Analytics and Operations (B.S.)

网络安全分析与运营学位是一个跨学科的项目,为学生作为网络安全专业人员的职业生涯做好准备. 它教育学生网络防御的基本概念和网络安全的分析基础, 重点关注分析和风险管理基础以及相关的网络防御技术和策略,以确保存储在大型异构网络中的在线信息的安全,这些网络嵌入在当今商业中普遍存在的复杂社会技术基础设施中, government and military organizations. 

Electro-Mechanical Engineering Technology (B.S.)

机电工程技术学位为学生作为机电工程技术人员的职业生涯做好准备. 该计划强调知识的广度在所有领域的工程技术相关的典型, highly-automated manufacturing, production, or assembly plant processes. 基本覆盖所有主要领域的技术涉及生产和生产过程的操作和控制, including instrumentation and monitoring methods, principles of machine design, automated control techniques, thermal and fluid sciences, computerized manufacturing systems, 电气和电子电路的操作原理, computer-aided drafting and design, economics of production, and statistical analysis and quality control.

Elementary and Early Childhood Education (B.S.)

小学和幼儿教育学位准备候选人教幼儿园前到4年级(PK-4)的所有内容领域。. 课程探讨小学和幼儿的学习环境, child development, and field experiences in grades PK-4 classrooms, 以及内容和教学方法的课程,具体教学语言和识字, mathematics, science, and social studies. 本专业毕业生满足宾夕法尼亚州教育部颁发的PK-4教学I证书的所有课程和现场经验要求.

Global Studies (B.A.)

全球研究学位的特点是除了密集的海外学习/实习经历外,还包括积极和合作的课堂体验. 该计划是为希望培养一套分析和人际交往能力的学生设计的,这些能力将为他们在广泛的政府和非营利组织和机构以及企业和行业的入门级就业做好准备. 这个项目与传统的国际/全球研究专业最显著的不同之处在于,它需要世界文学和跨文化交际的核心课程, while retaining the traditional foreign language, history, 政治科学是大多数其他课程的重点. 出国留学和在国际组织实习也是该学位的重要特点.

Hospitality Management (B.S.)

酒店业是伯克斯县地区的主要经济驱动力, 酒店管理学位课程是为了满足对酒店行业毕业生的需求而开设的. 赌博平台大全是大学公园以外唯一一所提供创业学位课程的校园.

Information Technology (B.S.)

选择信息技术课程的学生对与众多行业相关的领域的具有挑战性和有益的职业感兴趣. 该学位旨在提供广泛的组织解决问题的能力和对当前需求的技术技能的深入了解. 利用技术来利用组织资源和解决组织挑战是该计划的前沿. Coursework explores cybersecurity, databases, computer programming, project management, security and risk analysis, networking, web design and development, application development, and systems analysis. Degree options include:

  • Application Development
  • Business Applications
  • Custom Information Technology
  • Cybersecurity
  • Security and Risk Analysis

Kinesiology (B.S.)

运动机能学学位旨在为学生提供与健康和健身相关的专业兴趣,并具有良好的理论和科学知识基础的实践技能. 该系的教师致力于创造活跃的学习氛围, giving students access to high quality courses, 发展一个培养应用技能的环境, providing opportunities for novel research, 并分享与企业和诊所网络的联系,以便实习和就业安置. Degree options include:

  • Exercise Science

Mechanical Engineering (B.S.)

机械工程是最大和最广泛的工程学科之一, involving the study of mechanics, fluid/thermal systems, and system dynamics. Built on a foundation of physics, chemistry, and mathematics, 十大正规赌博平台大全伯克斯分校的机械工程专业获得了abet认证,包括强烈的设计强调和动手实验室经验. 学生学习使用科学和工程方法设计安全实用的产品, reliable, and cost effective.

Organizational Leadership (B.S.)

组织领导力课程提供全面的文科教育,特别关注复杂的社会问题, cultural, 以及世界上组织领导者所面临的组织问题. 该学位是专门为有兴趣扩大专业视野的成人学生开发的, 使他们能够在任何行业有效地领导他人.

Psychology (B.A./B.S.)

心理学是一门研究思想、行为和经验的科学. As a profession, psychology is related to fields such as health, education, marketing, human resources, social work, and more. In the Psychology degree, students develop information and computer competence, communication skills, 并就如何在不同情境下实施职业追求心理教育提出了现实的看法.

The B.A. in Psychology 包含了对该领域许多方面的广泛接触, in addition to a strong liberal arts foundation. The B.S. in Psychology 提供相同的暴露于心理学领域,并增加了科学和商业的选择,为学生准备更具体的职业方向.

Science (B.S.)

理学学位提供了广泛的科学教育. 这个学位允许学生灵活地选择可以根据长期目标量身定制的高级课程, allowing students to focus on physics, chemistry, and mathematics, or on the biology of the human body. 这两种选择都为学生提供了所有科学领域的坚实基础:生物学, chemistry, mathematics, and physics. Degree options include:

  • General Science
  • Life Sciences

Security and Risk Analysis (B.S.)

Identity theft, natural disasters, 跨国恐怖主义——我们这个时代的主要威胁——需要具有广泛技能和知识的问题解决者来应对这些挑战. 安全与风险分析学位帮助学生站在应对国家安全威胁的第一线, responding to emergencies, and protecting vital knowledge. 该专业提供信息与网络安全选项, 哪些将帮助学生建立对网络安全的理解, cyber-threat defense, information warfare, 以及跨多个场所的关键基础设施保护.

Writing and Digital Media (B.A.)

写作和数字媒体学位培养学生在各种工作场所和学术环境中有效地写作和沟通. 今天的专业人士需要善于创造基于印刷和电子形式的写作, 这个项目让他们能够用各种体裁进行交流, 包括传统媒体以及数字和多媒体.

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